Környezetbarát kisállattartás tRENDrakó Marcival és a CYCLE tisztítószerekkel - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Eco-friendly pet ownership with Marc tRENDrakó and CYCLE cleaning products

Today we would like to tell you about an exciting topic that has become close to our hearts recently. We love collaborating with people who are at the forefront of sustainability and the path towards a healthy and green future. CYCLE has been committed to environmental protection and conscious living since the beginning, so now we present to you a recommendation that connects pet ownership with the values ​​we represent.

The relationship between animal husbandry and sustainability is an increasingly important topic these days. In order to preserve the beauty and resources of our planet, it is important that we all contribute to this. Pets are a part of our lives and we are responsible for them. The tRENDrakó and his friends is a guide for all pet owners who strive to care for their pets sustainably.

trendsetting book cover - trendsetting and his friends - Bartus Marcell

The book was written by Bartus Marci, or as many of you may know him as Marci tRENDrakó, who is not only an enthusiastic pet owner but also a committed advocate of chemical-free cleaning. In the book, Marci shares his own experiences and many practical examples of how we can keep small pets while causing minimal environmental impact. tRENDrakó and his friends It also includes numerous case studies that have proven in real life that sustainability and pet ownership can go hand in hand.

inside pages of the book trendrako and friends with dog pictures and useful tips

In the book, Marci provides readers with plenty of ideas and practical tips on how to make their homes sustainable and healthy for both their pets and themselves. The book contains advice and recipes that help owners take care of their pets in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, whether they are dogs, cats, parrots, hamsters, guinea pigs, ornamental fish or other pets.

You can find practical information in the book, for example, on how to clean a brush or comb after combing cats, which essential oils to avoid for dogs, or which plants are pet-friendly, poisonous, or deadly to certain pets. Marci and his team also give advice on events such as traveling. They list how to prepare, what documentation is required, and they also mention that in some countries, for example, quarantine is mandatory for animals entering the country. But you can also try some tips for cleaning your sofa or car, and you can find out if CYCLE is a pet-friendly mop .

trendrakó book inner pages - Bartus Marcell - trendrakó and his friends

Why do we recommend this book? Because anyone with an open mind will surely find CYCLE in the book, on countless pages. We are proud to be a part of this gap-filling book, as we, together with Marcin, are committed to sustainability and environmental protection, and we believe that everyone can do something to protect our planet.

The book tRENDrakó and his friends is now available in the CYCLE webshop . We would like as many people as possible to get to know it and draw inspiration from it. Join us on this exciting journey, where animal happiness and planet protection are intertwined. Visit our webshop and let's help spread environmentally conscious animal husbandry together. The future of animals and the planet is the common responsibility of all of us.