Így vond be a gyerekeket a takarításba - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

How to get kids involved in cleaning

Cleaning shouldn't be just for adults! Involving our children in housework not only helps maintain order and cleanliness, but also contains valuable, lifelong lessons. In this article, we will int...
A fenntartható otthonok tisztaságáért: a CYCLE termékek már megtalálhatók a Rossmannban is! - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

For the cleanliness of sustainable homes: CYCLE products can now be found at Rossmann!

Alternatives for a conscious lifestyle are appearing in more and more areas, which effectively support us in creating a green everyday life. On the shelves of Rossmann, however, not only is the eco...
Természetes összetevőkkel a bőrirritáció ellen - interjú dr. Sándor Nóra kozmetikumokra szakosodott vegyészmérnökkel - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Natural ingredients against skin irritation - interview with Dr. Nóra Sándor, a chemical engineer specializing in cosmetics

Nóra Sándor studied chemical engineering at the Budapest University of Technology, where she wrote her third-year thesis and her fifth-year master's thesis in the field of colloids , on the topic ...
A CYCLE fenntartható tisztítószerei megérkeztek az Auchan polcaira - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

CYCLE's sustainable cleaning products have arrived on Auchan shelves

CYCLE's commitment to sustainable living is taking it to a new level as its eco-friendly cleaning products will be available nationwide in Auchan stores starting in May . In our country, more an...
A magyarok több mint 77%-a 3-8 órát tölt tavaszi nagytakarítással - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

More than 77% of Hungarians spend 3-8 hours on spring cleaning

76% of Hungarians reported that they regularly clean their home, including the kitchen and bathroom, at least 1-3 times a week, according to CYCLE’s latest survey of over 1,000 people. In terms of...
Új hagyomány: a CYCLE immáron a második alkalommal vett részt az UNICEF Klímakonferenciáján - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

A new tradition: CYCLE participated in the UNICEF Climate Conference for the second time

CYCLE joined the climate conference organized by UNICEF Hungary for the second time . The event took place on April 23rd in Budapest, during the Sustainability Week, at Eötvös10 . Our small team co...
Eljött a méreganyagmentes tavaszi nagytakarítás ideje a CYCLE koncentrátum csomaggal - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

It's time for a toxin-free spring cleaning with the CYCLE concentrate package

Discover our largest concentrate package! How annoying can it be when you start cleaning your home, but the bathroom cleaner is gone and there's barely any liquid left in the floor cleaner bottl...
Címketervező rajzverseny gyerekeknek - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Label design drawing competition for children

We look forward to receiving applications from all little artists for CYCLE's latest creative initiative! Let your child draw the label for CYCLE cleaning products and have a special opportunity...
Tavaszi fáradtság? A CYCLE segít! - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Spring fatigue? CYCLE helps!

Spring is a time of renewal, and we, along with nature, are rejuvenating. But for many, the opposite happens: we feel tired, demotivated, and cranky. In this article, we explore why spring can mak...