7 ötlet, amikkel csökkenthető a vízfogyasztás a karantén idején - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

7 ideas to reduce water consumption during quarantine

It can be easy to overuse water during extended periods of stay at home, but here are 7 tips to reduce the amount of water you use. This will not only help the environment, but also your wallet.
Időkapszula kihívás - Kreatív tartalom - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Time Capsule Challenge - Creative Content

Everyone experiences quarantine differently and therefore it means something different to everyone. We wanted to hibernate these memories and preserve them for posterity with an exciting CYCLE chal...
Miért olyan fontos a láthatatlan (otthoni)munka felosztása egy családban? - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Why is the division of invisible (home) work so important in a family?

This month we celebrate women, let's also talk about roles at home - 6 tips for sharing the housework.
Mely mérgező vegyületek a leggyakoribbak a tisztítószerekben? - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Which toxic compounds are most common in cleaning products?

When buying cleaning products, we usually only pay attention to whether they clean properly. Most commercially available products are perfectly adequate for this, but some chemicals can be dangerou...
Mit kell tudnod az újrahasznosított műanyagról? - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

What do you need to know about recycled plastic?

Everyone has heard about the harmful effects of plastic, as our planet is flooded with plastic waste that takes thousands of years to decompose. But we also know that plastic is a versatile and con...
6 dolog, amit eddig nem tudtál az ecetről - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

6 things you didn't know about vinegar

The vinegar completely natural material , almost everyone in his kitchen it's there . But besides powerful cleaner properties there are some that limescale to remove , surfaces for polishing an...
Miért nem érdemes keverni a fertőtlenítőket más tisztítószerekkel? - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Why shouldn't you mix disinfectants with other cleaning agents?

There are many dangers associated with making potpourri: irritation, poisoning, or even explosions can result. You can make very good and effective cleaning products at home, but you should only do...
Mi az a körforgásos gazdaság, és miért jó nekünk? - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

What is the circular economy and why is it good for us?

We've all heard that the dream of continuous economic growth is unsustainable in many ways, but fortunately there is an alternative. And that is none other than the circular economy. What is this n...
Hogyan készíts tisztítószert otthon? Nagyanyáink módszere - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

How to make cleaning products at home? Our grandmothers' method

Could some old, proven, quick-to-make recipes come in handy? As many rooms as there are rooms, there are as many possibilities for making effective and environmentally friendly cleaning products at...